&hint1=I am a 20th century oil painting by Matisse& &hint2=I represent Matisse's "primitivist" approach to color& &hint3=I was influenced by the idea that the "primitive" world was a world of rich sensual color& &hint4=I depict a reclining female nude, transformed into an exotic, primeval-looking creature& &choices=Bathers on the Beach (Fehmarn);Glass House;The Joy of Life;The City Rises;Villa Savoye;Blue Nude (Memory of Biskra)& &answer=Blue Nude (Memory of Biskra)& &search=Blue Nude Matisse& &title=Blue Nude (Memory of Biskra)& &artist=Henri Matisse& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1907& &location=Baltimore Museum of Art& &dimensions=3' 1/4" x 4'7 1/4"&